Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I want to rename the Philippines

Dear diary,

I had the strangest dream last night.

I dreamt that I had somehow travelled forward into the future-- a little more than a hundred years from now. The year was 2009, or 2010. Many things have changed and people no longer speak in espanol, instead they converse in a strange mix of languages known as 'taglish'.

In my dream, I was some sort of national hero of the future. There was even a monument dedicated to me in Luneta Park, by Manila Bay. Can you imagine that? It was surreal! Here, look at this drawing I made. I tried to recreate what I remembered from the dream.

My dream eventually led me towards my alma mater, Ateneo. The library is named after me! Both of them! They even require the students to take up a class called Rizal, which is all about me.

The strangeness of it all didn't end there-- everywhere I went, perhaps every other street, boulevard, avenue, building-- they were named after me. I passed by countless Rizal avenues, JP Rizal Streets, I think I even saw a Rizal Carinderia. I have a park! I also learned that there's a province named Rizal. A province!

If my dream is somehow prophetic in nature, if the future were really to become one in which everything under the sun is named Rizal, then perhaps we ought to consider just renaming the country "Rizal".

Just food for thought. Rizal Islands. It has a nice ring to it.


(Kristine Tilos)

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